Stars of Tommorrow
The great Cheyenne Kiwanis Club started holding the Stars of Tomorrow contest in 1954. This is an opportunity for young people from Laramie County to showcase their talents before a live audience of moms, dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers and friends in our community. Stars of Tomorrow is a true variety show. In recent years, contestants have performed drum solos, vocal solos, various dance acts, magic acts, instrumental solos and combos and gymnastics as well as many other types of acts.
Stars of Tomorrow is an International Kiwanis Club project. Thousands of clubs around the world host Stars of Tomorrow contests. The winners of these local contests are invited to compete in division and district contests. Scholarship money is awarded at the district level.
Cheyenne is one of the few clubs who need to have auditions each year. Most clubs open up the stage the night of the show and acts perform unannounced. The students of LaramieCounty are so amazingly talented that we have to have three days of auditions. The show is put together by Kiwanis members and presented at the Cheyenne Civic Center. We provide a truly professional stage experience.
Acts are judged and awards presented. There are three divisions - Elementary, Junior High and Senior High. Cheyenne is one of the few clubs in the country who have an Elementary Division. Local teachers and performers serve as judges who award first, second and third in each division. The judges also select the "Best of Show" from the three first place winners.
The music or performing arts department in the first place winners' school is awarded $300 and the Best of Show school receives and additional $300.
We have truly had Laramie County Students become Stars of Tomorrow. In 2004, Jon Peter Lewis went on to compete in American Idol. He rose from hundreds of thousands of contestants to finish in the top 8! Other winners who have gone on to greatness include Amy and Annie Smith who have performed in Nashville and Branson. The Anderson Brothers, who competed many years in Stars, now perform regularly in Branson. Melissa Fuller has won many nationally televised contests. Mark Ferguson performs in a Jazz band in Hollywood. The list goes on.
The Stars of Tomorrow Show is a wonderful opportunity for the community to be proud of our youth.
You can view pictures and names of winners over the years by going to the Download Files section of the homepage and clicking on the history pdfs there.
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